Welcome to the MONSEY SHATNEZ LAB'S website!
Our new address is 8 Bristol ln Spring Valley. (845)262-8502.
Call for on-the-spot testing hours info.
Drop off all day. Take a tag, write your name and phone number, and we will call once the items are checked.
Ask us about drop off and pickup service.
177 W Englewood Ave, Teaneck, NJ 07666.
Items checked on Sundays. Drop off all week at
Text (845)825-6209 for more details and to schedule an appointment.
We do house calls!
Call to schedule
Arrange an educational presentation
Hands on
Multimedia (video), Power Point
All ages/levels
shatnez alerts

Also Testing at Local
Dry Cleaners
"Just drop it off & We'll do the rest"
Park-Plaza Cleaners (Shoppers Haven/ Rockland kosher)
Pickup/Drop off days: Tuesdays & Fridays
Classic Cleaners (Near NewDay supermarket)
Pickup/Drop off days: Tuesdays & Fridays
Mr. Morte (Kennedy Mall)
Pickup/Drop off days: Please call us

The Monsey Shatnez Lab is operated by R' Menachem Fogel, who was trained by Rabbi Yoel Shocket and Rabbi Yosef Sayagh of the International Headquarters of Professional Shatnez Laboratories in Lakewood, NJ.
Our goal is to be provide accurate analysis of clothing items in order to help our community properly fulfill the mitsva of shatnez.
We examine garments carefully at all places where wool and linen can possibly be found and test fibers under a microscope when necessary.
We believe in providing the highest level of service and utilize up-to-date tools and techniques in all areas of our expertise.
Our label is our pride, and your garments will be treated with an utmost care!
The Monsey Shatnez Lab is a member of the International Association of Professional Shatnez Labs
Drop off location:
Park-Plaza Cleaners (Shoppers Haven/ Rockland kosher)
Classic Cleaners (Near NewDay supermarket)
Pickup/Drop off days: Tuesdays & Fridays
הרב חיים שבת, רב קהילת כנסת ישראל, ניו האמפסטעד
הרב יצחק אבא ליכטנשטיין, ראש ישיבת תורה ודעת
הרה"ג הרב יהודה משולם דוב פאלאטשעק
לשם יחוד קודשא בריך הוא ושכינתא בשם כל ישראל הריני מכוון לעשות קיום למצוות לא תעשה הכתובה בתורה - "לא תלבש שעטנז צמר ופשתים יחדיו ו "בגד שעטנז לא יעלה
.עליך". ויהי נעם ה' אלקינו עלינו ומעשה ידינו כוננה עלינו ומעשה ידינו כוננה.